Data Domination: A New Kind of Fetish

Mistress Harley is a dominatrix who dominates her clients’ online lives. This includes gaining access to their bank accounts, email, social networks, and their computer. The potential impact of a session with her may have dire consequences depending on how far the client is prepared to go.

During a private session she uses software like teamviewer to take full control of her host’s computer. She looks at their personal files and browsing history, and obtains their passwords to read their messages, access their social networks, etc. Her clients lose control and become weak, but they set limits in advance that cannot be crossed. She can threaten to post compromising photos or messages on their Facebook walls, to send messages to their friends, call their wives, etc. Men attracted to data domination are seeking excitement, to be scared or terrified, and to feel like they are losing control of what happens to them. This can go quite far…she posted messages on one client’s Facebook wall to make him appear as being schizophrenic. For another, she posted a picture of him dressed as a woman to trigger significant reactions from his family and friends. Mistress Harley provides a way for people to get big thrills.

The cost of a 30-minute private session ranges between $60 and $100. But it can cost a lot more for fetishes like financial domination, for example. She has a unique style; she is covered in tattoos and has colourful hair. Despite this alternative appearance, she is very approachable and easy to talk to. She currently lives in a nice apartment in San Francisco. She earns more than $500 per day on average, which does not bother her husband, who openly admits that he appreciate and accepts his wife’s profession. Most of her income comes from her regular clients. But some days she hits the jackpot, like the time she received $10,000 in cash and gifts from a client who enjoys financial domination. Some men derive pleasure from having their wallets emptied by a woman. To protect her privacy she has the gifts sent to a different mailing address, and then the packages are re-shipped to her real address. She regularly receives dresses, shoes, purses, jewellery, gift cards, etc.

Human sexuality is constantly evolving. Whenever a new technology emerges, we find a way to use it for our sexuality. The question is how will our sexual behaviours adapt to future technologies like 3D, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, etc.?