Legal Notices
01sexcam is a website specialising in adult webcam entertainment. Our objective is to help our users save time and make the right decisions. We hope to achieve this objective by providing honest reviews and by sharing as much useful information as possible.
Collection of Information
Visitors to our site remain anonymous when browsing.
All of the web servers used by the site can store the IP addresses, browser details, the time, and the landing pages. But none of this information can specifically identify a visitor. The information is used only for technical maintenance. We do not keep personal information nor share information with third parties for commercial purposes. We do not send unsolicited messages to users of our site.
If you access our website using a mobile device (smartphone, tablet, etc.), we can also collect information about the model of your device and its IP address, as well as information about the operating system, service provider, and mobile internet browser in order to provide you with the best user-experience possible.
Whenever necessary, our site uses cookies to store information about browsing preferences in order to better serve the user. We do not link cookies to personal information. We can, from time to time, employ the use of a third-party agent to compile non-personal aggregate statistical data about our users. This third-party agent may use cookies.
By submitting a copyright infringement notification or any other communication, you consent that the transmitted communication is stored in order to expedite a quick resolution.
For notices of copyright infringement, please send us the following information:
- An electronic signature of a person authorised to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
- Identification of the protected work, which according to you has been infringed, or, if multiple protected works, a representative list of these works.
- Identification of the material that is counterfeit and which is to be removed, or access to it disabled, as well as reasonably sufficient information to enable us to locate said material
- Reasonably sufficient information to allow us to contact the complainant, like an email address, a mailing address, a phone number where the complainant may be contacted
- A sworn statement from the complainant stating that the use of the material is unauthorised by the copyright holder, his agent or the law
- A sworn statement that the information contained in the notification is accurate, and that the complainant is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
Legal Information
This website is hosted by OVH.
Host address:
Publishing Manager: Philippe Ferreira
Publishing Manager contact: